HSCI-214: Physical Computing 1

  • Instructor: Casey Anderson
  • Email: {{ casey.anderson ]]] @ [[ artcenter.edu }}}
  • Pronouns: he / him / his
  • Class Meetings: Thursdays, 09:00AM – 11:50AM


This prototyping-oriented course introduces students to the creative affordances of physical computing, or the practice of interfacing digital systems with the outside world, by way of hands-on experiments across a range of technologies. Students will learn programming concepts (Python 3), and basic electronics, as well as strategies for their interaction, by designing interactive objects and experiences in response to a series of prototype briefs. Regular critiques will provide an opportunity for students to share their prototypes with their colleagues as well as receive direct feedback from the instructor.

Required Materials

Grading Policy

Grades will be calculated based on the following distribution:

  • Attendance = 10%
  • Lab participation = 20%
  • Homework assignments = 35%
  • Prototypes = 35%

If something comes up and you need to miss class please send me an email saying so. A simple "I had to miss class" is sufficient, I do not need the details.


  1. Construct simple circuits to interface electronics with digital systems
  2. Learn and explore the basic principles of software design
  3. Prototype experiences and devices across a continuum of technologies

Class Schedule (subject to change)

Week 1

  • Review Syllabus
  • 1.1 LAB Miniconda
  • 1.2 LAB The Command Line
  • 1.3 LAB Intro Python 3
  • 1.4 TOOLS Prototype Proposal Format
  • 1.5 HW Practice Prototype Proposal
  • 1.6 TOOLS 10/5 Ideas
  • 1.7 HW Practice 10/5 Ideas
  • 1.8 HW Required Materials